Sunday, January 2, 2011


During one of my classes last spring a classmate introduced me to Prezis.  Since then I have seen a few presentations and heard about how many of my classmates use them in their teaching.  I think a Prezi is a great interactive tool to make a presentation and keep the attention of the audience.  I did find that some of them move a little too fast for me and then it loses my attention.  I finally decided to create an account and think about how I will use this tool in my classroom.

If you do not know much about Prezis, they are a presentation tool that allow you to organize your ideas with videos, pictures and text.  Instead of putting information on different slides like a PowerPoint, you use one large open space to create your presentation.  You can show importance of aspects of your presentation by making them larger or smaller.  Later you organize the sequence that you would like the project to follow.  When people view your Prezi they can zoom in and out and follow the ideas around the screen.  After I created an account I watched the tutorial video which I found very helpful.

I started to think about how I would use this tool to introduce new concepts to my students or review for tests.  Since my students are young I think this would be a great way to keep them interested in the content I am teaching and incorporate videos, text, and photos in the presentation in a creative way.   Below are two Prezis that I liked and thought I could be relevant to what I am teaching my students this year.

Strategies for Adding and Subtracting Numbers

2nd Grade Science: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Hopefully I will start working on creating a Prezi of my own!

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